Thursday, July 3, 2008

First rule of blogging courtesy of another Woody

Woody Allen is a big hero of mine. There's a quote in one of his films - Love and Death I think - which goes something like:

"When it comes to sexual relations, it's the quality of your encounters that matters, not the quantity. But if the quantity falls below once in 6 months you should definitely look into it."

I think this applies in most things, including blogging, and is particularly apt for Mr Allen, who according to IMDB has directed 44 films, and written 61. Only a few of these achieved brilliance, e.g. Annie Hall, Hannah and Her Sisters, Manhattan, Love and Death, and Everything You Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask, to name a few favourites.

But because of these we forgive him a lot of rubbish.

**Etched on Woody's forehead**: "Quality matters, but only if you have quantity."

Ok, that's two for today.

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